Do You Have a Child Who Shows an Early Love for Science and Technology?

You are still six years short of 60 and you still have much to offer.
The fact that you are now 54 years old does not, obviously, mean that you are moving away from your goal of inspiring young scientists and future engineers. You have always loved setting up your classroom for the first days of school, and this, your 30th year of teaching, is no different. You were fortunate enough this summer to take a class that taught you more about the implementation of printed circuit board (PCB) technology. In fact, an expert who spoke about PCB inspection goals showed a detailed example and defined the different terms and functions for these frequently used standards.
Armed with the material that the PCB inspection expert provided, you have an exciting activity ready for all of your classes on this first day of the school year. With the use of common household items like television remotes, single cup coffee makers, and laptop computers, you hope to show your science students how understanding the purpose of circuit board assembly services is he basis for much of the technology that they use on a day to basis. You do not know if the next great scientist or engineer will be sitting in your room on that first day of class, but you hope that if they are those future technology experts will love what you have planned for them.
As teachers, students, and parents around the nation prepare for the upcoming school year, it is important to make sure that every student has the chance to see the future that they can impact with their science, math, and engineering skills. And while it can be difficult for some students to imagine the role that they might play in the scientific future we all look forward to, teachers can show students the way that technology impacts their lives beyond the screens that they spend so much time with.
There are many ways that teachers can engage their students in the fields of science and technology. One interesting connection is showing students the impact of the PCB assembly service industry on our lives. The fact that the revenue of circuit board and electronic component manufacturing in the U.S. reached nearly $44 billion in the year 2014 is an indicator that this expanding technology will rely on the young scientists in today’s classrooms.