Save Money By Making the Switch to VoIP Services From a Traditional Landline Service

Are you hearing a lot about VoIP systems and how much you can save on your business by switching over? Are you getting customer complaints about inaccessibility or wishing you could receive voicemails instantly, no matter where you are? Are you increasingly frustrated by how high your phone bills are? If you’ve been mulling over these problems and want to find a solution, VoIP services might be the answer to all your problems. More and more companies are moving away from traditional based phone systems and looking into VoIP business systems as an alternative. Using VoIP services can cut your operating costs, increase your availability to customers and your staff, as well as improve working efficiency. Whether you choose a premise-based VoIP solution or a cloud hosted VoIP solution, you’re sure to see changes, both big and small. And VoIP solutions aren’t just for big businesses — many small businesses have had successful results come from switching over.
What is VoIP and What’s the Difference Between a Premise-Based VoIP Solution and a Cloud Hosted VoIP Solution?
VoIP stands for voice over Internet protocol and is a type of technology that lets you make and receive calls using the Internet instead of a telephone line. Instead of using minutes, you’re using data, similar to how you send emails. In many cases, Internet providers will offer VoIP services bundled with their Internet plans for increased bandwidth and simpler bills.
A premise-based VoIP solution is one where the hardware that controls VoIP is kept on the premises of your company or business, usually located in the server room or closet. A cloud-hosted VoIP solution links your phone calls through the Internet to another, larger provider, that controls cloud data for multiple clients. There are pros and cons to using both types, so you want to take your company’s future needs and growth into consideration when choosing a type of VoIP. For example, there might not be as many user options with an on-premise VoIP solution, but it’s often less expensive that outsourcing to a cloud-based VoIP solution.
Why Do So Many Businesses Like VoIP?
Businesses Save Money
Switching to VoIP services can save businesses, both small and large, a considerable amount of money. If a small businesses switches to VoIP from their traditional phone line, the cost of their local calls could be cut as much as 40%! And if a new business is starting up, using VoIP right from the get-go can slash initial startup costs by as much as 90%!
Additionally, when people make phone calls, about half of the conversation is comprised of silence. With VoIP, the silence is filled by data so that the bandwidth isn’t wasted. Say goodbye to all those wasted minutes!
Businesses Become More Efficient
VoIP can also help businesses become more efficient. Businesses that had unified communications, like VoIP saved about a half hour every day per employee, because staff could reach other on the first try, instead of ringing again and again. Employees themselves saved over 40 minutes because messages were managed more efficiently and employees who worked remotely had even greater savings — over an hour every day!
What’s the Projected Growth for VoIP Services?
The popularity of VoIP services aren’t expected to slow down any time soon. Experts predict that by the end of 2018, just 6% of the population will still be using a traditional landline to conduct personal and professional business. Infonetics Research stated that by the end of 2015, the business and residential VoIP industries would be worth a combined $74.5 billion and that number isn’t slipping. IBISWorld says that the industry value is supposed to go up a little over 15% every year until 2017. The services that VoIP offers are appealing to customers — almost 40% of those who responded to a survey said they wanted voicemails as email attachments, when asked what business phone features they most wanted.
Whether it’s a premise-based VoIP solution or a cloud technology hosted VoIP solution, your business will stand to profit when you make the switch!