The Leaders in Innovative Website Design
Did you know that over 45% of all web users encounter internet problems on a regular basis? Although the a lot of them create their own problems, most regular web users are savvy enough to know a few tricks around the common issues that arise. However, a lot or the problems that inhibit internet surfers from getting the most out of their web searches can be attributed to web design.
While poor web designs can cause inconvenience and frustration for web users, the consequences can be severe for businesses who do not utilize the best web design services. This is because the typical internet users today expect websites to load instantly; and when they do not, frustrated users will give up and choose another website — perhaps one form a competitor. In fact, a recent survey found that approximately 40% of all web users will abandon a website if it takes more than three seconds to load.
Some people might look at the above statistic and bemoan the lack of patience people have today, but every regular internet user does the exact same thing every day. And no matter how much we all wish that others would be more patient, that is simply not going to happen. This is particularly true given the fact that all of the most successful businesses are investing in cutting-edge custom web design courtesy of the leading professional web design services.
We are living at a time where technology is not going to slow down for anyone. At the same time, hundreds of millions of people are ready to embrace the “next big thing” before it even hits the market. Therefore, it is imperative that business across all industries adopt this same attitude. As business continues to rely more and more upon the Web, companies need to strive to be as innovative as possible.
The top web design services make it easy and affordable for businesses to become as innovative as they need to be. After all, a cutting-edge website is the keystone to successful online marketing