There’s a New Social Media Aggregator In Town

Nowadays, people are using their smartphones to tweet, post, update, snap, and hashtag. With so many different things going on in social media it can be pretty hard to keep track of everything our friends, family, and favorite brands are doing.
However, one social media marketing agency is now helping companies simplify the brand development strategies they’ve employed across the social network universe. Stackla, a startup creative agency, is on a mission to help brands aggregate, curate, and basically keep track of all of their social media marketing activities on every social network, displaying it all on a variety of different media.
After a 30 minute setup, a company can use Stackla to connect custom content feeds from multiple social media marketing channels, creating a real time feed of content directly relevant to the brand. Stackla allows users to customize the design of content, ensuring a consistent look and feel. What’s more, Stackla allows a user to control which content gets displayed, so that offensive language and pictures can be blocked.
For a good idea of what this exciting new social media marketing tool can do, take a look at Glasgow’s Commonwealth Games. Stackla was used to help immerse fans all over the world in the action before, during, and after the games by aggregating official, commentator, and fan content from social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram into one massive, multi-media storyboard.
Often times, ad agencies charge companies high fees for expensive content, much of which goes unnoticed by users. Instead, Stackla allows brands to crowd-source their content, a more efficient and cost effective social media marketing method.
Several big brands are already putting Stackla to use, including Adidas, Shell, Canon, Lego, Qantas, Toyota, and Citibank.
But the real question is how do you feel about this? Do you think this social media marketing aggregator will help your brand development strategy? Feel free to share your opinion in the comments. Check out this site for more.