What You Can Expect From a Human Resources Executive Placement Agency

There is an increased emphasis in recent days on the importance of human resource professionals. You might even want to look into the administration of human resource programs to see some of these professionals at work. There are various aspects of human resources that may go unnoticed by the average person if they aren’t actively looking into how to become a human resources professional at this time. However, the variety of things that these professionals do is extremely vast and important to the overall structure of the business itself.
Think about the workplace diversity courses that you might have sat through at some point in your career. These are not random courses that pop up, but rather courses that are structured by human resources. They are in charge of such events and attempt to do all that they can to offer as many different avenues for co-workers to achieve their full potential at work as possible.

Another name for human resources management is human capital management. Basically, the goal of these professionals is to create an atmosphere where people can feel accepted and can accomplish all that they were hired to do in the first place. It is something that all businesses should strive for when they hire their HR personnel.

For over one third of small and midsize business CEOs, staffing is the biggest business issue they face. A business is only as strong as its workforce, and a workforce is only as strong as it is content in its role. With the cost of employee turnover ranging anywhere from 30% to 150% of the employee’s salary, the challenge of finding top-tier talent is only the beginning. The gateway to employee acquisition and retention is your human resources team. So if you’re looking to build a better business, a smart place to start would be with your human resources executives.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, one bad hiring decision could cost as much as 30% of the first year’s potential earnings. When you couple that with the fact that nearly one quarter of new hires leave their jobs within the first 45 days after they’re hired, the math can be alarming. Some of the top reasons new employees leave is for temperament issues and poor performance. Temperament and performance issues are both characteristics an experienced executive placement agency could help you spot before making a potentially costly hiring mistake.
How a human resources executive placement agency operates
An executive placement agency works by leveraging their vast network of contacts and knowledge of their niche industry to locate candidates for businesses, small and large. Human resources executive search firms help locate qualified HR executives. They can help reach potential recruits who may or may not be actively looking. Jobvite conducted a survey which found that 53% of employees would be open to a new job prospect despite the fact that they aren’t actively looking. Your next HR executive could be sitting in an office in the building across the street and you wouldn’t even know it but for an executive placement agency which knew where to look.
An executive placement agency can also help create more compelling job descriptions to entice a wider range of qualified applicants. Talent acquisition can be nearly impossible if your job description doesn’t appeal to the executives you seek. An HR executive search firm can help you perfect your job posting and show you where to place it so you’ll draw the strongest audience.
How to find a human resources executive placement agency
The best way to begin searching for executive staffing agencies is through your own network. A number of senior executives will work with an executive placement agency at some point in their careers – – be it to find a placement for themselves or to fill vacancies within their own company. Ask some of the top executives you know for recommendations of human resources recruiters they know or have worked with.
Alternatively, you could call the human resources department of some of the top businesses in your area. Ask the employee who answers which employment placement agency his or her firm uses. Within niches like human resources placements, you’re likely to find a few big names cropping up repeatedly. Many niche recruiting agencies will work with or be familiar to a large number of big businesses within their niche.
Another strategy for locating an executive placement agency is through recruiter directories. There are several free online recruiter directories while others may charge a fee. You could ask your local library if they provide access to fee-based databases.
Beyond the online directories, other places to search are networking sites where many recruiters will have profiles. Message boards on these career networking sites may also have postings around recruiting agencies that may help point you towards an executive placement agency in the niche you seek.
Choosing a human resources executive placement agency
Once you’ve located a potential human resources executive placement agency, make sure they have experience placing candidates in the job role you seek. Whether you’re an executive looking to recruit talent or an executive looking to make a job change, don’t be too quick to sign on with an agency until you’ve verified they can provide you with the job or talent you’re looking for. An executive placement agency should be both experienced in human resources acquisition and have a track record for placing qualified talent in roles similar to yours.