Why Freezer Software can Help Fight Cancer

Modern freezer software used in medical research has allowed biobanks to store lasting samples which contribute to medical breakthroughs. Such freezer software allows researchers and doctors to safely transport samples throughout the country, making organ, tissue, and bone transplants readily available as needed thanks to cataloging systems. Biobanking is one of the quickest-growing trends in the medical field thanks to such innovations, and due to the increasing demand for such samples, the field is expected to thrive in the upcoming years.
Nearly two-thirds of biobanks were established within the last 10 years, although 17% have been around for over 20 years. Funding for biobanks is largely provided by federal funding, which is the largest funding source for 36% of biobanks. Other sources of income include service fees and funding brought in by individuals or foundations. A 2011 survey found that of over 700 cancer researchers asked, 47% had issues when it came to finding sufficient biobank samples. That statistic has since decreased thanks to cataloguing and adequate freezer software. By the year 2000, United States biobanks had over 300 million tissue samples with that number steadily increasing by 20 million each year. Thanks to this trend, doctors and researchers can more readily locate the samples that they need, leading to innovations in treatment and disease control.
Medical Breakthroughs
If this trend continues, by the end of 2015 there will be around 1,658,370 new cancer cases diagnosed. Thanks to biorepositories, 14.5 million adults and children diagnosed with cancer were alive as of January 2014. As biobank software continues to improve, new diseases and conditions will be cured every year thanks to the hard work of research teams and the technologies that they use.