Why Your Business’s Internet Provider Could Make Or Break You

The internet is well past being acknowledged as a key component of modern life. There are some estimates that the average person is online for over six hours over the course of a day, with about 70% of Americans logging in online each day in 2016. This number does not parse between time at work and time at leisure, but the fact remains that we as a nation rely heavily on being connected, or reachable, at all times.
With these numbers, having a reliable internet service provider is a must for any company, but especially small businesses. There are some studies that indicate a very large business might lose up to $100,000 for every minute that they are without an adequate internet connection. Now, those may not be the numbers your company is dealing with at the idea of your company’s internet services going down, however any time a company’s reputation for service suffers it costs them money.
It can be difficult to determine which internet service provider to choose when there seem to be so many different internet options for businesses. Some internet service providers boast of their fiber optic cables that allow for faster uploads. Other internet service providers might answer the competition by including special deals when internet services are combined with phone service.
The choice between internet service providers, many experts recommend a test. Specifically, the website Speedtest.net is said to be a good, honest indicator of what might suit your business needs. Price does factor into things of course. Being able to compare the respective speeds of different providers could put your mind at ease about the final choice.
One pitfall to think about during the research stage is to ask if the internet service provider you are considering has a monthly cap on how much data can be downloaded. This seemingly small feature could be a nightmare if the company maxes out midway through the month. Asking questions as you shop around can help you avoid these problems later on.
Our reliance on the internet isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. In today’s market, the business that is savvy with their website, and by extension, their internet connection, will do better than those businesses that ignore this vital component. Customers want to be able to rely on the companies they give their money to, and that extends to a reliable internet connection.